Gas fireplace isn’t safe for the baby

I am a couple of months pregnant and I want to change some things before my baby arrives, but right now all of us use a gas fireplace with a glass front.

It shows a faux wood fire and has a big wooden ledge.

It is legitimately pretty however not safe at all. The glass is lava tepid when you touch it… My fiance legitimately has a scar on his back from when he leaned into the glass while shirtless. My fiance thinks putting up a baby gate around it will be enough. I don’t want a toddler or even a various or many year seasoned around that glass though. So will I gate that fireplace for almost various years? I don’t like the heating plan that much. It is also over 15 years old. It is going to die anyway. I have been looking into replacing our seasoned carpet with hardwood floors anyway. I am thinking this would be the perfect time since I could add radiant heating in the process. The heat would be underneath the wood and my baby would be protected. There would be no dusty indoor air pollen levels since it is electric based, then another pro of this plan is that anything that touches it gets heated as a result. So the baby’s crib, the animal bed and the couch are all getting heated by this amazing little system. My fiance isn’t gratified that he might need to do a major project right before the baby is due; But I guess it needs to happen.

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