I had to get used to using the hybrid heating system

When I first had a hybrid heating system installed in my home, I was expecting to have this extremely powerful heating system that didn’t leave a single chill in my home.

Well, when I first started using the heating system in the start of the winter, it didn’t seem like I was getting that much heating at first.

I ended up having to learn that heat pumps function differently than traditional heating systems. They actually pull the heating energy from outdoors and bring the heating energy inside to provide heating. They are extremely energy efficient down to about 40 degrees fahrenheit. So I came to learn that so long as I kept the heat pump working, the temperature in my home remained stable, but it takes time to get the temperatures to what you want initially. When the temperatures fall to freezing levels though, that’s when the gas furnace kicks on. Now that gas furnace has been really pushing the heat in my home this winter season. I’ve also been amazed with the cheap energy bills. When the HVAC professionals told me I would save a lot of money on my energy bills, I thought they were just overexaggerating the benefits to make sure they got their sale. Well, they weren’t far off because my energy bills are lower than I’ve ever seen. My old gas furnace wasn’t nearly as energy efficient as this new hybrid heating system. I’ve even gotten used to the heat pump and have come to appreciate it, because the energy bills are lowest when I’m using it. I also look forward to using it in the summer to see how well it provides cooling for my home.

smart hvac

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