Inspecting the air conditioning system

My landlord had been having problems with his cooling product for some time, then when I moved into his pool house, he was thrilled to find out that I work as an a/c rep with one of the large companies in the city.

I also saw an opportunity that would benefit both of us.

I would help him with the a/c care and any needed a/c repairs in exchange for my rent being slashed by a particular percentage! He had encountered nice and qualified a/c workmen, but he had a better deal with me and found that dealing with me would be easier. When I was settled in the attractive pool house, I evaluated the air conditioning system system. It seemed to have nice conditioning, and I noticed its high SEER ratings. The a/c upgrade occurred about years ago, but the component looked good! My landlord told me that in the past 2 years, he had not been able to schedule the tune-up, so I thought that was an excellent place to start. I requested many of my colleagues to assist with any needed repairs and a/c install for any modern devices. We began by cleaning out the filthy washable filters. We would continue with these washable air conditioning system filters for a while before upgrading to disposable ones in numerous weeks! Frequently changing the filters plays an immense career in air purification and improving the overall air quality and function of the quality A/C equipment. My landlord has been thrilled that he has someone to maintain his dual fuel system, which he considers a considerable investment.


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