Running hotter with pregnancy

Apparently with pregnancy your body’s temperature does increase! I noticed it instantaneously. I am someone who is always cold, and when in doubt I turn on the oil furnace. It is technically late winter, early Springtime. I should want the furnace to continue until the evening and early day! Since I have gotten pregnant, I am so hot. I am consistently trying to turn on the a/c. I am using my overhead fan in my family room for the first time. It is amazing how something so small is affecting my body that much. I am not even many months along and I am already covered in sweat to death. What am I going to be care about in 9 months? I will keep the news from my partner until it is a sure thing; Then I want to surprise him. The jig might be up already! He is really curious as to why my inner temperature is so different. It is particularly out of character for me to demand A/C and the overhead fan. That is usually him at evening. To say he is happy about more A/C in the household is a vast understatement. He knows there is something internally going on with me. He at first thought I was sick and just running a fever. When I produced no sickness symptoms, he started digging around further. I just need to tide him over more than one more weeks and then we will tell him. I feel the A/C is going to do me in though. He is going to feel first.

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