The shades would insulate the screened in porch as well as trap the AC that was coming from the ductless mini chop system
I thought having a screened in porch would be more enjoyable than having a regular deck, then i loved the method of standing in a cozy lounge chair, drinking my coffee, as well as reading a great book. I never saw myself doing this with a deck because the bugs were horrible in the summer time as well as I didn’t want to build something that I’d never use… When I was explaining my dream for the screened in porch to my sibling, she told me that I’d never use the screened in porch if there was no correct source of AC, then the summers in this region are hot as well as humid, so despite having a screen around the porch, I’d never like it… Part of me wanted to resent what my sibling said, however deep down, I knew she was right, but she could tell how crushed I was, so she requested that I install weather shades as well as a ductless mini chop system. The weather shades were basically rolls of plastic that rolled up as well as down along the sides of the screen, you could see through them, so the natural light would continue to shine through, but during the summertime, I could roll the weather shades down as well as turn on my ductless mini chop system. The shades would insulate the screened in porch as well as trap the AC that was coming from the ductless mini chop system. This would be the best way to like my screened in porch while the temperature was high, without needing to build a sunroom that would cost more.