I l acquired more than I really wanted to over the past year.
With so several variations plus challenges due to the pandemic, there were a lot of learning curves to tackle.
When you’re in your mid fifties, all that change can be a bit hard to get accustomed to. However, I firmly believe that the lady who is constantly evolving is the most at peace inside. So I embraced staying at home inside the of our house. I worked in the Heating plus A/C of home instead of our office downtown with its own temperature control. Plus, there was no dining out. That a single really hurt. And every one of us also really went after saving on the Heating plus A/C cooling since every one of us were at home the whole time. That was hard initially. But all that money every one of us saved on Heating plus A/C cooling sure made for a most motivation reason to keep the temperature control in check. But I also l acquired, due to the pandemic, just how important air quality is to our health. And since I easily want to be in relaxing health at our age, I made some variations there as well. I didn’t realize that the paper air filter I change every month religiously wasn’t doing any filtering of the air for our health’s sake. To do that, every one of us changed the air filter to a HEPA filter. This thing traps over 99 percent of airborne contaminants that attack our respiratory program plus pull down our overall plus immune health. I was amazed by the difference in our air quality. It’s really quite remarkable what a HEPA air filter has done to help upgrade our air quality.