And radiant heating is just the most wonderful feeling type of heating method.
Winter is just around the corner. And for the very first time, I’m sort of excited about it. I’m really not much of wintertime person. Not being into skiing or skating and all that, I tend to just sort of stay inside with the HVAC heating. While I like the idea of a white Christmas and all, I just don’t like being cold. The house we lived in for nearly 30 years had gas furnace heating. It was okay but honestly, I never really felt cozy during the winter without being covered up in a blanket. That will not be the case this winter. We sold the old house and built a smaller home for just my husband and I. And we chose a geothermal heat pump as our heating and cooling equipment. Mostly, we chose the geo heat pump for its sustainability and efficiency. Geothermal heat pumps use the earth’s almost constant temperature to extract heating and cooling energy. While the initial costs for a geo heat pump are more than a traditional central air conditioning system, it saves money in the long term. Our heating and cooling utility bills will be far less than any traditional heating and cooling equipment. But I’m so excited for the winter because we now have radiant floor heating. And radiant heating is just the most wonderful feeling type of heating method. It’s just so much warmer than forced air heating. Radiant floor heating feels as though it’s simply enveloping you. I’ll finally be cozy this winter without that blanket.