Heating and Cooling is no longer a necessary thing

Some people know that heating and cooling is luxury, although I have discovered and absolutely know that heating and cooling is no longer a luxury, especially in this country, every year you can hear about people who died of heatstroke in the summer time because they did not have fine air conditioner or they chose not to use it because they did not think they could afford it.

The same holds tploy in the winter.

Especially this winter, the headlines are full of people who are entirely freezing to death, either because they do not have any Access to heating or they are not using it for 1 reason or the other. There have been lots of Winter time storms, and that means that there has been lots of power knocked out, which also means there are people separate from heaters. Even when the weather is not as freezing as it has been, heating is vital to life. Whenever the caveman or whoever discovered fire, they did a great thing for Humanity. In addition, the dentist who discovered cooling for the hospital where his TB patients were suffering, also did Humanity a immense favor. We love to assume that we can do just fine separate from Heating and Cooling, and in fact it is tploy that there are people in other countries who do not have Heating, Ventilation & A/C systems. In fact there are people who do not even have homes, and they do manage to survive. That is not how it works in this country, however, however here we must have Heating and Cooling in order to carry on each day.Even my pet looks at myself and others funny when I try to get his to move away from the heating vent!

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