House guests complaining about the indoor air temperature

I love our spouse’s family, but for some reason whenever they visit it is for extended periods of time.

When our family comes to visit, the maximum amount of time is usually three nights.

I do not mind when all of us have beach house guests, but occasionally it can think appreciate people are overstaying their welcome. My spouse’s family has a tendency to not only overstay their welcome, but to complain about things when they come to visit. They will complain about us not having certain foods or drinks in the house, about our pets, about the weather, as well as about us not having cable. This last trip, they were complaining the most about the temperature inside our home. Every one of us live in the south as well as the weather can be unpredictable here. In the last week, our smart temperature control has turned on both the central air conditioner as well as the central heat at varying times. They stayed with us for about 2 weeks, which in our opinion is way too long. In those 2 weeks, the weather ranged from sizzling as well as humid to cold as well as dry. Naturally, our smart temperature control picked up on the weather swings as well as adjusted to them. My spouse’s family either complained that the air conditioner was not cold enough when it was sizzling as well as humid out, or that the heat was not sizzling enough when it was cold out. At first, I did not supply in to their complaints because our electric bill has been super high lately. Eventually, I offered in to their complaints because I could not take anyone complaining that the air conditioner is not cold enough as well as that the heat wasn’t sizzling enough anymore; Due to myself and others giving in, there were less complaints about the temperature on the temperature control, but our electric bill was higher.
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