I dropped the window a/c system

I dropped the window a/c system that belongs to our room, and I am super disappointed.

Our family does not have a central a/c system, and our parents only bought a few window a/c systems for our house.

One of the a/c systems goes in our parent’s bedroom because they can’t sleep without the a/c system running. Another a/c system goes in the study room because that is where most of us spend our time while in the afternoon. I am not sure if we legitimately enjoy being in the study room, however if the a/c system is in the study room, that is where we are going to be. Both of us asked our parents to purchase window a/c systems for our bedrooms, however our parents refused to purchase window a/c systems for our bedrooms. They told us that if we wanted window a/c systems for our room, we would have to save up the money and purchase the window a/c systems ourselves. So far, I am the only a single that has saved up enough money to buy a window a/c system for our room. I got the window a/c system last year, and I was super excited to have a window a/c system in our room. Unfortunately, I am not sure if the window a/c system works anymore. I dropped the window a/c system while I was trying to install it, and I managed to rip the power cord right out of the window a/c system. I truthfully hope that I can service the window a/c system, because I spent a lot of money on the a/c system, and that would be super disappointing.

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