However, this year, I just got too tied up and it totally slipped my mind
This year before all of us started using the air conditioning for the summer, I totally spaced out and forgot to clean out around the exterior unit, but usually I make that a top priority every year whenever I start getting ready for the summer. Whenever the weather starts heating up outside, I start pulling out all of the summer time stuff care about the pool floats, the shorts and tank tops, the flip flops, and the other outdoor stuff that our family enjoys to use during the summertime. During that time, I normally make it a point to check the exterior air conditioning machine to make sure that there isn’t anything growing around it or over the top of it, and occasionally vines or weeds or branches or other debris can get near the vented cover of the machine and if that happens, it can entirely affect the air conditioning inside of the house. I once heard about this crazy freak accident where a raccoon somehow got sucked into the air conditioning machine when it turned on for the first time after a long winter. It killed the exhausting raccoon and it also killed the air conditioning. I never want anything awful care about that to happen to me and so I constantly make it a point to check the exterior unit. However, this year, I just got too tied up and it totally slipped my mind. I turned the air conditioning on without checking it first and a bunch of long lawnes and weeds got pulled down into the fan! It didn’t tear it up completely, but the didn’t work right at first, then luckily, I figured out what the problem was early on.