Losing my job was stressing me out because everywhere I looked seemed closed and dark.
As if my lack of a job wasn’t hard enough, my HVAC system decided to quit on me.
It had shown signs of giving up a few months before, but things were tight, and there was nothing I could do back then. The situation at work was delicate as the company was sailing in rocky seas, and no one knew what our fate would be. We waited with fingers crossed, hoping that an opportunity would emerge to earn better and even get promotions. But sincerely, there was no hope. A few months on, the company had to close shop. They were making continuous losses and decided to declare bankruptcy. Just like that, I was out of a job after working there for a decade. I had grown so much but was unprepared for such a sudden exit. We were in the middle of a pandemic, and no companies were hiring. It was a scary moment for me. After a few weeks of staying at home, I decided to try out business since I had baking skills and was a great marketer. I decided that this was the time to start since it had been in my mind. I applied for a business loan and waited for approval. Just before approval, my AC broke down, and I couldn’t bake without proper air conditioning. So I took another leap of faith and applied for a second HVAC loan. Luckily for me, I got them both and replaced the system with a modern one. My business kicked off successfully as I took advantage of the lockdown and focused on home deliveries. I have been so fortunate to make more money than I did when employed and plan to continue.