When I was a kid, my Grandfather gave myself and others a couple of stamps from World War II.
My Grandfather collected stamps in addition to he had a very big book with interesting stamps from all over the world.
I remember my Grandfather had some that would have been worth thoUSAnds of dollars, but they received destruction from moisture when my Grandfather was still overseas. When I was aged enough to live on my own, I started collecting a lot of unusual stamps. Some of them were very high-priced in addition to I did not want them to be ruined in the warm sunshine in addition to humidity. I thought an air cleaner would help, but the guy at the hardware store suggested a dehumidifier instead. The dehumidifier doesn’t get rid of indoor air pollutants, but it is absolutely the best machine if you are trying to get rid of moisture in the air. The dehumidifier is quite small, but very powerful in addition to quiet. I keep the dehumidifier in my closet, because it is a very small space. This allows myself and others to use a smaller than average machine to solve the moisture problem. I have my stamps in a box on the top shelf in addition to it is very cool, dark, in addition to there is not a lot of moisture in that room at all. It’s a perfect site to keep all of the stamps that I hope to sell a single day when I eventually find a spouse in addition to get married. I am saving the stamps so I can use the cash to have a dream anniversary with pink in addition to white flowers, a string quartet, in addition to a ballroom floor. It’s going to be perfect.