My Mom plus I regularly call each other to talk, or to vent if my nice friend and I are having aggravating mornings… Ever since mom plus my baby brother passed away, my nice friend and I have become each other’s rock.
It was such a sad tragedy, however in a way, their absence seemed to bring us closer.
And this is something I cherish since my nice friend and I weren’t too close while in my teen years. I disclose I rebelled so much, plus this made Mom plus I butt heads all the time. Mom tried to understand me, however Mom plus I rarely saw eye to eye. But, now if you see us talking, you’d suppose my nice friend and I have been the best of friends for years! Life can be funny that way. Last week, Mom called to vent about the heater in his home. The previous winter, the heater was faulty, plus Mom had to call the Heating plus A/C business three unusual times to send a heating expert to his home. They found a few faults with the heater, plus the last time the guy showed up, he recommended Mom to beginning planning to replace the heater. There was no way the heater could last another winter. And those are almost 5 months of non-stop freezing plus snow. Well, Mom was afraid he’d have to spend my money for a new heater, plus they aren’t cheap nowadays. He’d been thinking of getting Heating plus A/C financing instead to finance the new unit. I asked him for the cost of the new unit plus upgrade, plus sent him the money for the work. I didn’t have much, however I could handle that expense for him.