My girlfriend and I found out that we are going to have a baby.
We weren’t trying to get pregnant, but neither one of us are upset about the circumstances. My girlfriend already has a baby from a different relationship, but this is our first one. I was very excited when I heard the news and I wanted my girlfriend to make an appointment to see the doctor. She made the appointment a few weeks later and I told my boss that I wanted the day off work. The appointment was on a Friday and my boss hates to give anyone the day off work on Friday. It is the busiest day of the week for HVAC repairs. I told my boss that I needed a day off with two weeks of notice in advance, but he still scheduled me to work that day. When I saw the schedule on Monday morning, I told him that I was not going to come to work on that day. He rolled his eyes and told me that I was scheduled to work. On Thursday afternoon when I was done with the HVAC repairs, I told everyone at work that I would see them on Monday. My boss still called on Friday to find out if I was coming to work or not. I politely reminded the owner of the HVAC repair company that I requested the day off in advance and did not plan on being at work that day. He hung up the phone before I had a chance to say anything else.