My husband doesn't want the air ducts cleaned at all

I want to get the air duct cleaned but our husband is totally against it.

My side is that I have done a lot of lake house remodeling. I have completely gutted two bathrooms where there was dust all in the air. Every ceiling in our lake house had gum that I scrapped. I even mudded plus sanded a few of the ceilings as well. I also sanded wood bifold doors in the beach house too. There has been a lot of dust flying around plus our advanced cooling system was on for the entirety of it. I suppose the HVAC took in that dust plus now it sits collecting in our air duct. Did you realize that the people I was with and I spend 90% of our morning indoors? Did you realize that the indoor air condition is almost 5 times worse than the outdoor air condition? I don’t want to breathe in that dust to make myself and others sneeze plus be sick. That is why I recognize the people I was with and I need our air ducts cleaned immediately. I have the money plus the time to oversee the HVAC worker. My partner is of the mindset that the air duct is totally safe. It is totally sealed in the walls plus ceilings. He does not know dust can lay inside of it. Having a worker do air duct cleaning is risky as well. They can certainly damage the air ducts in the process plus cause holes in the duct. A small hole can certainly let out a lot of air plus cause higher energy bills. Even perfectly sealed air ducts let out 20% of the air the HVAC creates. A proper piece of air duct is letting out 40% of the air. Insane isn’t it? My partner doesn’t want to risk even higher energy bills.

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