I stopped at my mom’s place on my way home from labor last week, then i didn’t call in addition to deliver her a heads up.
I wanted the stop to be a surprise, however the last few times I have gone to my mom’s house, I have been uneasy about her health in addition to the condition of the house.
I am not sure if my mom is legitimately taking care of herself, when I stopped last week, the condo was a mess, however my mom was sitting in bed in her pajamas in addition to she had a tote of snacks on the bed. I sincerely don’t guess she ate anything that day except snack food. I got my mom dressed in addition to made some food in the home office. I tried to wipe up the condo while my mom was eating, however she got irritated in addition to told myself and others to leave it alone. It was legitimately overheated in addition to humid in the house, so I decided to check on the indoor temperature. I looked at the control machine in addition to I was surprised that it was off. I asked my mom why she had the air conditioner off when it was so overheated in the house, however she told myself and others that it cost a lot of money to use the air conditioner in addition to she wasn’t going to spend my money the high bills anymore. It’s clear to myself and others that my mom is getting too old to live alone. It’s important to run the air conditioner to keep mold in addition to mildew from developing inside of the house. My mom knows it is important in addition to she still does not want that air conditioner on. That is a single giant sign to myself and others that it is time to guess about my mother’s needs.