New ductwork for the locker room

I coach girl’s basketball at a local high school in a dense, rural, and swampy weather conditions, which means that a lot of things end up with mold pretty often, one of those things that ended up with mold, was MY locker room.

I was furious when I found out, and chalked it up to teenage girls being teenage girls and not looking after the place, which irritated me.

I created a punishment practice and put them through their paces for an hour and a half of conditioning. I felt slightly guilty when the janitor and an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist approved me saying that the locker room’s air circulation was off due to the old air ducts, and it was preventing the humidity from escaping. The Heating and Air Conditioning specialist explained that he will need to replace all of the ducts in the building to ensure it would begin circulation correctly, then he also said he needed to service the heater in the basement while he was here. He found the mold in the carpet, and showed us how he had installed Heating and Air Conditioning specific ventilation at floor level to ensure that something like this would never happen again. He even showed the girls how he installed the thermostats in not only that room, but also the gym, and my office, which I was happy about. I waited until later that day to test out the air conditioning system in my office, it was amazing. I am so grateful that we were able to get these things fixed, as the mold was also creating a bad smell that seemed to linger around the ild Heating and Air Conditioning ducts and vents.

a/c rep

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