She evaluated the outdoor AC unit then the indoor air handler.
Jennifer had been left home alone by her boyfriend, who was going on an extended business trip. It was the first time they were separating after moving in together, but they made plans to talk as often as possible. The trip was a good chance for him, and Jennifer knew it would benefit the projects, but Jennifer dropped her boyfriend off at the airport, got some takeaway food and went back home, but she had to rest before waking up early the next morning for her remote work. The following day she woke up cold as if there was no heat in the house. Jennifer could have sworn she left the AC unit working the previous night. She put on some warm clothes, including socks and went downstairs to check the temperature control. The LED screen was blank, which had Jennifer shocked, because normally, the LED screen would indicate the current home temperature, but there were no digits on it this time. Jennifer evaluated the indoor air handler and observed it was not working. Since she knew nothing about fixing a faulty a/c, Jennifer placed a call to the heating and cooling service and repair people. They would know why the heating and cooling device had shut down. An hour later, an AC worker was at her door and ready to check the faulty system. She evaluated the outdoor AC unit then the indoor air handler. After that, she went to the thermostat and found the cause of the problem! Despite the thermostat having an expensive look, it was old and had begun malfunctioning. It was possible to fix the malfunctioning thermostat, but the best solution was to replace it with a new one. Jennifer agreed with that information and asked the AC mechanic to set up a new smart thermostat in the house.