I checked into a hotel for 3 days so I could spend time with my mom and dad. They were coming to visit and they were staying in the same hotel. They couldn’t stay with my friends and I in our apartment, because it is always very loud and rowdy. I knew it was going to work out better if we spent time at the hotel during the days that my parents came to visit. When I checked into the hotel, I told the lady at the front desk. I was looking forward to visiting their state-of-the-art Fitness Center. I work out 7 days a week, but most of the time it is at the fitness center in my apartment building. It isn’t state-of-the-art and most of the machines are old and broken. I was excited to see all of the exercise equipment. I went to the fitness center early the first morning, so I could exercise before my mom and dad arrived on the plane. I went downstairs in my workout shirt and shorts and walked through the lobby towards the fitness center. I grabbed the door and it was locked. That’s when I noticed the sign on the door. The fitness center was closed because they were remodeling the heating and air conditioning system. There was damage to the AC during the last rain storm and both the weather and AC were being replaced as safety precautions. The desk clerk failed to mention that when I checked into the room. The sign on the door was dated a week previously. I went right to the front desk and complained to the staff member.