I am pretty good at making deals with all kinds of stuff.
- And what I did recently to get a brand new central heating and cooling system was a little different.
I went to a local heating and air conditioner dealer and located a central heating and cooling system component that I wanted to buy. The price was a little bit high I thought, so I haggled with the sales manager in order to try to get it for a price that I thought it should be. It must have taken me almost a half an hour going around and around with the sales rep. However, in the end the deal for the brand new and most new central heating and cooling system component worked out nicely. I got the price that I wanted by using my skills in wheeling and dealing. And I even got a slight discount on the heating and air conditioner upgrade and the moving costs as well. It was something I was not expecting to be totally honorable with you all. I did not expect to get the discount on the heating and cooling system upgrade in addition to moving the component as well! All in all I made out pretty good on going out to buy a brand new, new, quite powerful and originally absolutely fancy central heating and cooling system component until I wheeled and haggled to get the prices down to nearly half off what the original price that they were charging was!