A new water boiler is coming

I am going to try out a new category of song this week, starting with my dad’s poems as well as seeing where they take me.

Dad wrote some stories and books back in the early 70’s as well as I want to bring them back to life with my songs to honor my dad’s work, then Dad is gone now, even though I know I can revive the music as well as breathe some new life into them while I am still alive.

I owe it to my old man for all the work he did writing the books as well as for all she did for his kids. Dad’s Heating as well as A/C supplier did good as well as left us all with enough cash to take care of us for the remainder of our lives, as well as her heating corporation is still running this week. I will take my small sound system out to the beach pier one day this week as well as sing Dad’s music with all my heart as well as soul. The local corporation is going to have us do a live show soon as well as I want to sing dad’s poems beside their fireplace with my bandmates. If my bandmates aren’t into these music after that my pal and I will sing them on my own, but either way the poems are going to get a honest chance to be heard, however my local Heating as well as A/C rep is going to come as well as sing with us when my pal and I do our show for a local bar in town as well as it should be a fun as well as memorable time. I just need to get my bandmates to stop thinking my pals and I are not that enjoyable or I am going to just do it on my own.


air conditioning corporation

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