Air purifiers for the village allergies

I decided to build a type of HEPA air purifier, but a little simplified

Now that I have built window air conditioners and portable space heaters for every home in the village I am living in, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Me and the two other HVAC technicians I have trained take some time every week to fix someone’s window air conditioner or portable space heater that has broken, but we really don’t have that much work to do other than that. During winter , I finally found a new project. I noticed that many of the villagers struggled with spring allergies, and I had the solution. First, I would build some air filters that could be inserted into the window air conditioners so that there was at least some air filtration going on. I assigned the other two HVAC technicians to build the air filters while I worked on building the first air purification unit. I was used to building UV light air purifiers, but I knew that was not an option for the villagers. One thing that the villagers had were miniature solar panels. They were so;ar panels that the city did not want or thought were broken. I fixed them up and attached them to the villagers’ window air conditioners so that they didn’t have to use electricity. I decided I could use the solar panels for the air purifiers as well. I decided to build a type of HEPA air purifier, but a little simplified. These air filters would do a great job at filtering our pollen and other allergens. Soon enough every villager had a window air conditioner, portable space heater, and a miniature HEPA air purifier.

heating industry

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