All those critters are getting their own Heating and A/C comfort

I have consistently enjoyed coming lake house from my job to the heating and cooling comfort of my house.

The labor I do keeps myself and others outside much of the time. That can wear on a lady when it’s super chilly or super hot outside. And lucky me, I get both of those. Our winters are fierce and we have to rely on plenty of Heating and A/C heating to manage that season. But the Summer is even worse. So when I come lake house during that section of the year, I’m looking for a place to rest and soak up all that Heating and A/C cooling. Well, for the past year, that hasn’t been as self-explanatory as it sounds. I’ve been pressed into repair by my wife and child almost the really minute I walk through the door. Those multiple have turned into this area’s pet rescuers. They take in lost and abandoned pets in order to place them with forever homes. But while that happens, they had been sharing the heating and cooling in our house. There got to be so many of them that I was needed to feed and clean. That’s not exactly what I was looking to do when I got lake house from a long day at work. Plus, all that pet fur and dander was clogging up the Heating and A/C air filter all the time. That puts so much unnecessary stress on our Heating and A/C equipment. However, with the help of friends and some donations, we put on an addition just for the creatures. The local Heating and A/C supplier we use even installed a ductless heat pump at cost with not upgrade fee. Now all those critters are out of my house and have their own heating and cooling comfort.



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