Author: Phil

I can’t believe the heating system was on in the movie theater

I can’t even believe that the local Regal Cinema has already turned their furnace on full blast this year. They don’t undoubtedly assume what they’re doing when it comes to the furnace there, but I assume that someone surely should have taught them to better manage the temperature control settings in the theater before they […]

Getting a smart thermostat as a birthday present would be amazing

I think that if the two of us had a new smart control equipment installed to run our heating, ventilation, and A/C system, it would entirely decrease our heating and cooling bills… That’s why I’m going to go ahead and ask for a new smart control equipment for our birthday this year, but my partner […]

I’m thinking about asking for a smart thermostat for my birthday this year

I told my hubby last month that all I want for my birthday this year is a modern thermostat unit! However, our old one has absolutely had it, even though it’s still limping along; I keep changing the heating as well as cooling in our home as well as even though the thermostat tries to […]