About eight years ago, I started making wine; My family has owned plus operated vineyards for four generations, and our grapes have traditionally gone to make commercial jams, jellies plus juices, however because my buddy and I grow a Concord grape, no one was especially interested in attempting wine, i started playing around with unusual ways of extracting the juice plus fermenting plus have managed to create a tasty rose plus orange wine; As my product has acquired popularity, I’ve gotten licensed by the TTB, invested into a building plus steadily produce more plus more wine; The margin of profit is slim.
There are sizable start-up costs involved with necessary component as well as bottles, labels plus caps.
I need to operate my business efficiently as possible. I am consistently looking for ways to reduce time, effort plus expense that isn’t directly related to making wine. Incorporating a building automation system has been a sizable help. Essential systems are now incorporated into a centralized hub that is accessible by way of my smartphone. At any given time, I can check on the temperature of the building plus make adjustments. This is especially helpful because of the importance of maintaining the indoor environment at a constant 64 degrees year round. In my local section the temperature climbs into the mid nineties plus drops well below zero. If there is a temperature swing or a power outage, I get notified. The building automation system includes motion-activated lights plus surveillance cameras that increase security. I have real time access to video of the exterior building, plus if an alarm sounds, I receive an alert. Another beneficial feature is the automated door locks. There are times when I need to allow a UPS professional to enter the building plus choice up a shipment of wine when I’m not available. Through my iphone, I’m able to unlock plus lock the doors from virtually someplace.