There is always a first time for everything.
- And I recently had my first time ever in buying a portable cooling system.
I decided to buy a portable cooling system because my kitchen has uneven uneven temperatures from the central heating as well as cooling system due to the fact that my home is built kind of strange. And because I can not afford to buy a zoned heating as well as cooling system unit, which is also known as Heating & A/C zone control, I decided to go out as well as get a portable cooling system to help keep my room nice as well as cool while I sleep at night. It was a pretty great idea! Because this portable cooling system works better than I could have ever imagined. I was not expecting the portable cooling system to be this powerful as well as be able to cool my entire kitchen in a matter of minutes. And as a matter of fact, this portable cooling system is so darn powerful that sometimes I have to turn it off in the middle of the night! It sometimes can make my room so chilly that I easily need to get under a blanket as if it was fall or the middle of winter season with no central heating! I am not kidding you on this fact. So overall I would highly command getting a portable cooling system if you have temperature concerns in your home or if you just want to save a few bucks as well as give the energy use of your central heating as well as cooling system equipment a cut for a while!