Then I looked down at my feet plus there it was
I’m not absolutely certain what it is about items in my condo, however it seems as though it is not all that unrespected for them to do a disappearing act. It’s always coincidentally at the worst moment too. For instance, I had borrowed a friend’s ductless mini split air conditioner because my central AC equipment stopped working roughly a week ago. My friend, being the kind-hearted person that she is, lended me her ductless mini split AC equipment because she wasn’t using it plus she did not want me to have to go without any kind of air conditioning considering how miserably hot it was outside! Well that was a week ago plus I have since had the cooling equipment specialist come out to my property plus repair the air conditioning equipment plus so I’m no longer in need of it plus I was going to return it to her. I easily remember that I left it in front of the door ready for me to take out when I was heading out. However, despite me knowing that I put it there somehow managed to disappear! I was so sad plus embarrassed. It would not be a major thing if it was something of mine, it would be my loss although I did not want to lose something that wasn’t mine! I searched my condo up plus down plus couldn’t find the HVAC equipment. I finally called my good friend on the iPhone plus told her I’m so sorry but wasn’t able to find my air conditioning equipment that she had lent me. She genuinely did not seem exasperated and told me to simply keep looking. Then I looked down at my feet plus there it was. Somehow I had missed the air conditioning equipment the entire time. I decided it was a pretty major relief plus told her that I was able to locate it before picking it up plus placing it in the back of my vehicle plus taking it over to her place.