I think I will finish this story and then get out of this flat for a little bit and ride around town. It is pretty quiet in our town still but that will all change in about two or three weeks when all of the tourists come in and invade our town for a couple of months. It is nice having some new faces in town but after a couple of months we are ready to go back to just the locals once again. It will be a crazy summer but in about three months it will slow down. Local business owners will leave the town and head off to other places in the world for the winter. I will probably stay here the whole winter except for a trip back home to the States for the winter holidays. I will work for the local contractor while I am there to make a few bucks and then come back here and play music in our band like we have been doing. We are going to make a big tour this winter and it should be a fun time as we have a really nice RV for everyone to travel around in. It is an air conditioned beast and we will probably be on the road for a few months and it should be a really fun time as we play in furnace heated clubs in other towns. We will stay at the mountain cabin and do some shows up there while we visit my buddy’s family who will be up there as well.