I am probably going to buy this small djembe drum today, I just need to make sure I have enough money because I’ve been buying a lot of musical equipment the past few months and need to make sure I am not going too crazy with spending till my money starts to roll in.
- The drum is a small version of the djembe I have now, which will make less sound and hopefully not irritate the locals as much as the monster drum I’ve been using.
It is a constant battle with the locals when we play music in local businesses and around town. I just want to practice so that we can play in clubs this summer along the beach, as long as they have good air conditioning to keep us cool on the stages. I need to talk with my bandmate and see if he is ready to do this, as he seems a bit timid and doesn’t believe we are ready for the big time just yet. He works in the HVAC industry and wants to make the move to doing full time music gigs around the country, but I think he doesn’t want to stop working for the local contractor till he feels we are really ready for it. I think we have a lot of good songs already and we are ready to take the next step, but I want to make sure he is comfortable doing so. I also work as a heating tech during the weekdays and I would like to stop working for the new contractor soon.