I now understand what is meant by an offer I couldn’t refuse.
- While I wasn’t in some sort of gangster situation, I was definitely made an offer that would have come with some consequences had I refused.
The offer was made inside the zone controlled HVAC of the executive conference room at work. Just walking in that space with its own thermostat was enough to unsettle me. I had been summoned to meet with some folks that were way above my station inside the commercial HVAC of my cubicle. I was now on the floor where there was zone controlled HVAC. I was nervous right away and even though the air conditioning was on, I could feel myself start to sweat. But I was soon greeted by some of the executives of my division who wanted me to relocate and take on a flailing branch. This was a big chance for me and would absolute fast track my career. At the same time, my wife and I had put down roots in this community and weren’t planning on leaving. In fact, I’d only gotten to enjoy the new residential HVAC in my home for about six months before that meeting. Needless to say, I couldn’t turn it down. And man, I hated leaving that house with the very best heating and cooling you can find. But my wife reminded me that I had put so much into my career that this was an opportunity I had to grab. I’m so lucky to have a partner like that who believes in me. She too loved that house and the quality heating and air. Yet, we are starting renovations on our new place and that also includes the HVAC equipment.