Today my friend and I were working on a single family residential air conditioner replacement, but tomorrow my friend and I are working on replacements for an entire office building
I am finally almost done with my training at the heating, ventilation, and A/C supplier where I am working. They have been teaching me stuff by taking me out on jobs with other experienced heating, ventilation, and A/C workers for the past couple of months. I’m ready to go out on my own, and today I did a heating, ventilation, and A/C replacement by myself while they watched. Luckily for me, I seemed to remember everything. I did not forget any of the major parts of doing an air conditioner replacement. The guy that is training me said that I did a definitely great job, so my confidence is improving a little at a time. I am a bit worried about going out and doing heating and cooling replacements all by myself, but I think that I am just about ready to conquer my fears. The supplier that I’m working for is certainly great, so I know if I ever end up having doubts or concerns, I can constantly just call into the office and someone will be able to help me or at least walk me through it. Today my friend and I were working on a single family residential air conditioner replacement, but tomorrow my friend and I are working on replacements for an entire office building. That is going to be very uncommon from this replacement, so I am looking forward to working on it. I want to learn everything that there is to know about heating and cooling replacement, repair work, and repair. I can’t wait until I am ready to finally go out on my own one-day soon!