My sibling was thinking about buying a apartment up in the country & she wanted to know if it was worth the money or not… She already had a townapartment in the city. She asked if I would take a look at the place! I labor as a general supplier & a certified Heating & Air Conditioning repair serviceman, but the first thing that I looked at when I got to the apartment was the heating & cooling system. I found some troubles with the ductwork that were going to be extravagant to fix. There were some places in the attic where the ductwork did not seem to be attached to anything at all. I was uneasy that the ductwork was going to be fancy, but my sibling was more anxious with the foundation & the roof. I didn’t find any troubles at all with the roof & I walked all over it. I also used a special equipment that allows me to see troubles that might be happening under the roof. I also looked at the foundation & did not find any troubles. Other than the troubles with the Heating & Air Conditioning system, I easily didn’t feel that the apartment was in bad shape. I told my sibling that it was a good buy & she should try to get it for a good price. The owner of the apartment was trying to get $260,000 for it, but I felt like my sibling could entirely talk the woman down to $245,000 after she told him about all of the small troubles that I found.
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