I like this time of year

This is the perfect time of year in our opinion.

  • It is the fall and the time when in our area you do not need your central heating and , you do not need your whole house air purification plan if you have one, and you most honestly do not need any kind of fans.

This is the time of the year when you can open up your windows in the day time and take in the attractive air quality and cool breeze. Then at evening the hot and cold temperatures are so perfect you can pretty much just leave your windows closed and be hot enough to get through the evening separate from a portable space furnace or central heating system. This is the best time of the year to save money on your weekly utility bills as well. Because in the super tepid summer time weeks of the year your central air conditioning plan is running all of the time taking up a lot of energy use. Then in the Winter time you have your central heating plan running all of the time doing the same thing. But this time of the year there is nothing needed. It is so attractive this way in our humble opinion. And to me it is our most number one time of the entire year! But heed warning, it does not last for too long, and give or take a month or 2 and then it is on to the central heating being cranked for the next 3 weeks, followed by the central air conditioning plan being cranked the next 4 weeks after that.

heating and cooling

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