My sister got into an argument with her wifey on Wednesday evening in addition to she left the house, however she came to my site, because I am just right down the street. It’s not the first time that my sister in addition to her wifey have gotten into an argument in addition to my sister has ended up at my site. It’s the first time you stayed all weekend in addition to I kept telling him to go home. She told me that she wasn’t going to go condo until her wifey apologized in addition to I told him that she was being a baby. I had to work all afternoon on Wednesday in addition to Wednesday. My sister was alone at the condo in addition to She adjusted the thermostat all the way down to 66°, however on Wednesday when I got home, it was 66° in the condo in addition to I told my sister that she was not being respectful of my site. Not only was it terrible for the A/C to turn the thermostat so low, but it was going to cost more cash to run the A/C regularly. My sister didn’t feel it was a unquestionably sizable deal to adjust the temperature on the thermostat. I came condo on Wednesday in addition to the A/C completely froze up. My sister tried to tell me that she did not turn the thermostat down, but of course she did. That’s one of the biggest reasons why an A/C freezes up. I told my sister on Wednesday evening that it was time for him to go back to her condo or find some site else to stay. I was going to have a long week in addition to I needed my space to myself.