It was the perfect beachside house if the HVAC worked.

It took some inspired negotiation to get the owners to come down on the price, however they finally agreed to have the HVAC plans installed before they moved out

For the last seven years, our hubby Bob and I had been house hunting. Every one of us keep extending the lease on the house since the house hunt was taking so long, however both of us couldn’t wait until Bob could break the lease. Last week, Bob and I finally found the perfect home. It had several living rooms that shared a single lavatory, a guest bedroom with its own lavatory, and a master suite. The living space was very extensive to host company parties, and the entryway was a chef’s dream. Bob called the local company and asked if he would do the inspections. Along with the company, Bob had the HVAC company come in to inspect the HVAC system. The beach house company provided Bob with an important thumbs up and said the house was love new. The HVAC company, however, wasn’t blissful about the HVAC system. For how much the house cost and the space it was in, he knew our house couldn’t be less than several years old, however the HVAC plan looked as if it was old. He said they couldn’t have installed a brand new HVAC plan when they built the house. Bob and I were disappointed, because it was the house of our dreams. The HVAC company said Bob could negotiate and have the owners install a new HVAC system, or take 10,000 bucks off the selling price, so both of us could have the HVAC plan installed. It took some inspired negotiation to get the owners to come down on the price, however they finally agreed to have the HVAC plans installed before they moved out. Bob also got to bring the inspector back to make sure the HVAC plan was brand new. Three weeks later, Bob and I were moving into our perfect beach house with a brand new HVAC plan installed.
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