When he was little, my son Johnny used to pretend to repair the heating system with his little pretend tool set.
It was constantly super cute and my fiance and I loved when he did that. He had a little tool belt with little plastic tools on it, and he would go around the house hammering on things and pretending to repair them, however one day, my friend and I had to have our electric furnace ran tests on and when the heating, ventilation, and A/C worker came to the house, Johnny thought that he was the coolest thing ever. He watched him like a hawk the whole time that he was there working on the heater. Furthermore, he asked the heating, ventilation, and A/C worker if he could watch him work on the furnace, and he told Johnny that he could, and johnny lost no time at all grabbing his tool belt and heading down to the basement so that he could help the heating, ventilation, and A/C worker. I was glad that he was going to get to watch the professional working on the furnace because it was his number one thing to do. I never knew a little boy who was so happy to work on cars and heating, ventilation, and A/C systems and appliances and mechanical things. The heating, ventilation, and A/C worker was a definitely great sport, and he taught Johnny how to change the air filter in the heater. I was very impressed with how kind and patient he was with Johnny, and Johnny ended up having the best time! He talked about it for weeks after it happened and now that he’s an adult, he’s a heating, ventilation, and A/C worker himself.