My husband is a particular sort of guy.
He gets very interested in strange hobbies, and there’s no reeling him back in once the obsession has started.
For instance, he’s absolutely in love with nice coffees, and can tell you anything about the process of aging and roasting the beans of all different varieties. He also loves fine whiskey and travels the countryside trying to track down rare bottles in small town liquor stores. His other huge passion in life is cooking, and let me tell you, he has talent for days. He’s an amazing chef, and everyone tells him he needs to cook professionally. I’m just lucky that I get to reap the benefits of his cooking interest with gourmet meals every night! The only problem is, our kitchen is not equipped for all of his heavy duty cooking, and we desperately need a new ventilation system. The current kitchen fan hardly makes a difference when he has the stovetop full of sizzling dishes. The indoor air gets thick with smoke and noxious fumes of hot peppers and onions. The tiny stove top fan can’t possible funnel all of that spicy air out of the room as fast as the contaminated air is created! That’s why I am convinced that we need to have a powerful ventilation fan installed, and to include an air purification system for better air filtration. I know it will be an expensive HVAC upgrade, but I think it will pay off in the long run by saving our lungs from permanent damage via smoke inhalation!