Although since she’s also only seven she didn’t use those exact words, although I could understand what she was trying to say
I suppose one of the proudest moments that I ever had as a dad was when my daughter had an assignment at school to choose her hero plus she showed me. It was the sweetest thing ever. She had an assignment where she was asked what it was their parents did plus how they thought that was important. My daughter told her classmates plus her teacher about how I was a heating plus cooling worker plus in her eyes that was one of the most important jobs that somebody could do it because separate from someone like me, in her words, they wouldn’t be able to stay cool in the summertime plus sizzling in the winter. She wrote a whole little essay about why heating plus air conditioner professionals are great. Although since she’s also only seven she didn’t use those exact words, although I could understand what she was trying to say. It was undoubtedly one of my proudest moments in the sweetest things that I had ever gotten. Ask someone that works in the heating plus air conditioner industry I know there are a lot of people that love the work that heating, ventilation, plus A/C professionals do, however there are a lot of people that do not understand the importance of our work plus I wish more people did, but just remember us the next time you need your heating plus air conditioner fixed plus I will be happy.