Now I want a tankless water heater

We discussed installing a hot water heater, and I thought we should go greater.

My hubby was adamant about keeping the same size we had now, and maybe even going a little smaller, but I hated that when I was taking a shower, I would often run out of hot water.

I told him that was the reason I wanted a greater water heater! Later that week, he brought home a bunch of paperwork and gave it to me, and he told me to read through the paperwork and tell me what I wanted to do when I was done. I had paperwork on energy efficient electric hot water heaters. I had paperwork on hot water heaters and electric water heaters that were attached to the furnace. At the bottom of the pile, I found reading material about a tankless water heater. There was no limit to how much hot water you can get from your tankless water heater. We can get small units that would go on to every faucet, which was known as hot water on demand, and within minutes of turning on the faucet, you would have hot water. The tankless hot water heating system was a little more extravagant than these units, but they all worked under the same premise. They were attached directly to your hot water lines, and when sizzling water was called for within 2 to 3 minutes, it was coming from your faucet. There is no wasted energy trying to heat a sizable tank of sizzling water, because it was heating the water as needed. I wanted a sizable water heating system then, now I want a tankless water heater.
water heater installation

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