When I started toiling on my idea, I sort of passed it off as some little tech idea, however you know, like an app or something. Most everyone inside the commercial Heating & Air Conditioning of where I worked was consistently doing a side project or at least said they were. That’s sort of how us tech people operate. Too often, my fine friend and I want the glory plus the riches of coming up with something amazing. But my fine friend and I also have to eat plus that normally means opting to rest inside the commercial Heating & Air Conditioning dealing with IT complications for a business. That’s exactly the route I took. I stayed inside that commercial Heating & Air Conditioning for nearly 20 years doing a task that I was proficient at doing however it was so not a passion. My passion project was something I did at cabin inside the central air conditioner of my cabin office. My wifey consistently supported this effort plus I knew that I was onto something. But it took a easily long time to find the right application. And when I did, I hit it rich. These days, there is a thermostat in my cabin office thanks to the zone controlled Heating & Air Conditioning in this house. And I don’t have to labor answering phones plus solving complications inside that commercial Heating & Air Conditioning of that business either. Shoot, my fine friend and I even have a pool with a pool house. And the pool apartment even has air conditioner so I can labor from down there. I still genuinely can’t get over the amazing quality heating plus air the comes from the ductless heat pump in the pool house. Since I only answer to myself for labor now, I can labor from the pool apartment air conditioner all Summer long.