I appreciate playing jokes on people, especially my friends when they least expect it.
I’m not a large prankster, but when the time is right I will make secret arrangements that thrill! Recently, I pulled one over on my neighbor that she will never forget, plus we have plenty of embarrassing pictures to ensure that is the case! You see, my oldest neighbor on earth is getting married this summer.
I am so concerned for me, plus so thrilled for her at the same time. I’m bummed to see her move away plus start a up-to-date life, although I knew I had to throw her an epic bachelorette celebration to send her off in style. That’s why I developed an elaborate plan with her fiance plus the local HVAC supplier in town. You see, my neighbor is an A/C addict. She has no tolerance for heat or humidity… which is a problem, considering we live in Atlanta. She runs the a/c consistently, so I knew she would notice if something went awry with the A/C unit. I had her fiance sneak out plus power off the cooling system at the source, plus then he went to work for the night. All of her friends were headed over, when we started getting texts about how ungodly tepid it was in her house. As expected, she called her fiance, who said that he called their regular heating plus cooling specialist. My friend and I all gathered around plus waited on the cool porch for HVAC help to arrive, however but in fact, the normal ventilation truck that pulled into her driveway was not filled with heating plus cooling specialists, but shirtless men with oiled abs; When they jumped out, dancing plus waving around tool boxes, she also passed out on the ground. Then we actually needed A/C to bring her back to consciousness.