My lady plus I came condo from work on Tuesday plus the A/C wasn’t toiling at all.
I called the repair supervisor instantly plus proposed a repair appointment. My lady plus I live in an house for these exact reasons. The average cost of an A/C repair is half as much as our biweekly rent, living in an house means not having to pay for costly repairs to the air conditioning or gas furnace. It also means not having to worry about yard work plus Mowing plus cleaning the yard. It is by far a single of the best perks of residing in an house instead of a house. Unluckyly, there are multiple other apartments in the building plus sometimes I have to wait multiple hours before a repair contractor is available. I was really glad to find out that someone was available instantly to work on the A/C repair, then charlie showed up about an hour later with a box of tools. I told the woman that the A/C wasn’t toiling at all plus the first thing she checked was the control unit. The control component didn’t have anything displayed on the screen, plus that is a single of the reasons why I knew there was a problem with the air conditioning. Charlie went to the hockey cart downstairs plus brought a brand modern control component up to the apartment. She took the control component out of the box plus wired it to the system. The modern control component looked great. It had a 7 in digital display screen plus multiple programmable options. I was pretty excited about the modern control unit, especially when I found out that it fixed the A/C problem as well.