The Difference Between a Central HVAC System in addition to a Heat Pump

After residing in their apartment for 13 years, it was time for my parents to update their HVAC system.

I saw them spend a lot of time researching various heat in addition to air equipment, trying to find the best option, but my dad even spoke on the iphone with at least 3 odd HVAC professionals about their situation.

There’s no telling how several more he called when I wasn’t around. When I asked them what they were planning to do, they said they had 2 options. They could either upgrade both their oil furnace in addition to a/c separately, which was considered their central HVAC system, or they could install a heat pump. I didn’t suppose what the difference was, so my dad explained it to myself and others in simple terms. In a central HVAC system, the a/c was responsible for cooling, while the oil furnace was responsible for heating… Neither the a/c or oil furnace could do the opposite, however for instance, an a/c could only cool in addition to a oil furnace could only heat. A heat pump could do both heat in addition to cool. My dad showed myself and others pictures of both the outside units for a central HVAC plan in addition to a heat pump in addition to I couldn’t tell the difference. They looked actually similar! I asked him if there was a difference in energy or efficiency in addition to he assured myself and others that there wasn’t. They currently had a central HVAC system, so they were leaning toward keeping the existing plan in addition to just updating it. My dad thought it would be easier.



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