The HVAC component warranty is truly pressing

Every one of us have this drawer in the living room where all the warranties for stuff ends up. It’s just that these warranties are for a hand mixer from 1993. Not super helpful stuff. The real warranties are supposed to be kept with our files. Well, I ended up tearing apart both our files & every drawer in the living room & no HVAC warranty. This was a reaction to something I was terrified that I forgot. Of course, I was barely listening to the HVAC professional as he was giving up some final instruction after the HVAC component was replaced. All I wanted to do was go upstairs & play with the new smart temperature control app on my iphone. I’d been itching to do this for the entire afternoon. And of course, I didn’t even glance at the warranty. So more than one months later, I have this flash on the HVAC corporation saying the new HVAC component warranty has to be registered within 60 afternoons. I scramble online to check to see if this is right. It is & off I go tearing the beach house apart looking for all of the new HVAC component information & warranty. Thing is, if I didn’t get the HVAC warranty registered, that warranty would then be void. Hence the freakout. My husbandy walks in after work to see myself and others in full mental meltdown mode. I’m prefer hair on fire, wide eyed freak at that point. She just sits down calmly & opens his laptop. My husbandy invites myself and others over to show myself and others all the information I was desperately searching for. Oh & he did listen to the HVAC contract & learn the warranty of the new equipment. The HVAC warranty was registered the afternoon after the upgrade. And yeah, that would be my husbandy once again.




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