In the winter, the sound of the furnace constantly puts me to sleep.
I am aware that this is absurd, but I do not want to have my furnace fixed.
The fan is too loud, and my husband is always griping about it. He claims that the roar is painful to his head, but I believe he is greatly exaggerating the issue. I firmly believe that it is not a problem at all. I adore how the furnace turns on and makes a loud whooshing noise. Every time the furnace turns on and off during the course of the night, it does that. I’m not sure why, but it makes the house feel cozy and safe to me. I firmly believe that it is more like white noise or the sound of a fan running, both of which constantly aid in my ability to fall asleep. My husband claims that the loud noise is a sign that the blower motor in our furnace has some worn-out or outdated bearings. He advised my friend and me to get the furnace fixed because of the loud noises, it is making. He claims that if my friend and I don’t get it fixed, our furnace’s air flow will decrease and our blower may begin to make an odd whistling sound. I am fully aware that everything he has said is a lie and that he is entirely correct, but I do not want it to stop making those noises at all! My husband believes that any sound other than a truly low humming sound is a bad omen, but I couldn’t care less.