They provided me a free cover for my A/C equipment when I bought my air conditioner method earlier this year. I know you could say that I am one of those people who consistently falls for a fantastic marketing ploy. My spouse makes fun of me because if someone is giving something away with a purchase, then I’m the first one in line to have them take my currency. I am fully aware that most of the time, the promotional items that businesses give away aren’t the greatest quality. But once in a while, you get something that is undoubtedly good! That’s what happened to us this past Springtime when we bought a brand new central air conditioner method from one of the local Heating as well as Air Conditioning companies here in town. This certain supplier was advertising that they were giving away a free outdoor cover for any A/C equipment that you bought there. I mean, a plastic cover for my exterior A/C equipment isn’t all that huge of a deal, however it actually ended up being a deciding factor for me as far as where to purchase the new A/C equipment that we wanted. There were a couple of locales here that had the same kind of equipment as well as they were the same exact price. So of course, I went with the locale that said they were going to give me a free cover for the new air conditioner unit! I mean, I know you could call me cheap or gullible, or whatever you want, however the fact is that I undoubtedly appreciate to get something for nothing!