This is kind of weird

I live in a entirely weird climate.

In the Summer time it regularly seems that when the sunlight goes down it gets rather cool even if it is super sizzling in the day. But when the sunlight rises in the morning it gets super sizzling almost right away! My central heating and air conditioner plan sporadically has quite the labor out. It can be cranking air conditioner throughout the day, then as soon as that sunlight goes down it either shuts off, or I have to flip the control unit to the central heating for maybe a half an hour or so because it gets that cold! I do not suppose if this ridiculous climate has to do with global warming or if it was regularly this way in the section of the country I live in. I only moved here a few years ago from across the country, so I have no plan how it was back when. I may ask some locals here about that who grew up in this area because it does have me quite curious. The world is regularly changing both for nice and for bad. You never suppose what each day is going to bring. But a single thing I do suppose is that my central heating and air conditioner plan has been going ridiculous ever since I have lived in this area. In the Wintertide it is not too odd, it’s frigid all the time. This only happens in the dead middle of the Summer months of the year for some unknown reason I guess.

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