I suppose tonight will be a treat night for me plus I’ll watch a fine film or documentary later. I don’t watch much as far as motion pictures go, however tonight is going to be an early night for me because tomorrow I need to be all rested so my associate and I can play tunes on this pier that juts out into the sea. I want to come up with some current tunes plus tomorrow may be the perfect afternoon to do so, as the weather is going to be genuinely nice plus my bandmate is coming into town to play, heating plus cooling repairs is what my associate and I both do plus that is how my associate and I met a couple of years ago, although I didn’t know at that point that she was also a tunesian. I was playing volleyball one afternoon on the beach plus I heard him singing plus playing guitar plus it sounded different plus cool to me so I joined him one afternoon singing plus the rest is history. My friend and I will be playing in local corporations all over the country one afternoon plus in the winter time my associate and I will play for this club with a nice fireplace plus a genuinely fine sound system. It is nice having hope for the future plus this band gives me a lot to be hopeful for plus I am grateful for getting the opening to play in such a cool group. My friend and I have another Heating plus A/C tech that wants to join us when my associate and I play plus my associate and I will entirely invite her one afternoon in the near future to see how it goes.