Sporadically when you have excess funds, it can be difficult not to get carried away and buy lots of items you want. We have that vice, and it’s challenging. Recently, we made a really big purchase, and we only slightly regret it. You see, we made much more this year than we were expecting, and so when we had the option to splurge a bit, we took it. We were getting a modern central a/c installed, and as the a/c professional was talking about smart temperature controls and HEPA air filters, we couldn’t help but to buy those too. We also ended up getting a portable heating and cooling system. So yeah. What started out as one simple Heating and A/C replacement, which is already costly enough, turned into us buying multiple pieces of Heating and A/C technology. But we only slightly regret it. We regret not having a ton of money anymore, but on the other hand, our loft has never felt more comfortable than it feels right now. It feels like a totally different home. While we wouldn’t describe our loft as uncomfortable before, there is certainly something unusual now and we absolutely like it. We have fantastic indoor air quality, a fantastic modern temperature control, a modern and efficient a/c device and a portable cooling device. That is about all we wanted too. Well, there is one more, maybe one day we could get radiant heated flooring as well, but we know we have spent enough for now.